June Stromberg Scholarship Winners Announced
Seaside AAUW announced three winners of the June Stromberg Scholarship for a female high school senior meeting graduation requirements and is the first female in the immediate family unit to attend college. This year’s winners are Cori Biamont, Majestik DeLuz, and Jenna Logan pictured below from left to right.
Cori Biamont seeks to become a pediatric or surgical nurse. Majestik DeLuz is pursuing training to serve as a mental health professional. Jenna Logan wishes to pursue a career as a medical examiner.
Kate Bardonski winner of $2000 scholarship for a woman returning to college
Kate Bardonski is leaving a successful job in the medical field to prepare herself for a career in costume design for professional productions. She will begin at Clatsop Community College in the fall.
Teena Toyas was named the Seaside AAUW Scholarship Foundation’s 2019 Breaking Barriers honoree at the April 24 “Movie Dollars for Scholars” fundraiser. Teena holds both Bachelors and Masters degrees in physical education and recreation. She successfully officiated basketball, an often male-dominated role, for 38 years in Oregon, Washington, Tennessee, and Kentucky. On multiple occasions, Teena was chosen to officiate for championship competitions. She has received numerous awards including Oregon Athletic Coaches Association Official of the Year in 2016-17, election to serve as president of the North Coast Basketball Association, and selection to serve on the Oregon Athletic Officials Executive Board for eight years. Teena also served as Commissioner and official for North Coast Volleyball Officials Association for over 30 years. She has also officiated for soccer.
Currently, Teena is the Dean of Transfer Education at Clatsop Community College where she is also instructor of Health and Physical Education. Throughout her career, she has paved the way for the young women who now follow in her footsteps. AAUW salutes her successful career which broke barriers and created the path for new generations to follow. Teena was awarded $500 that she will contribute to Clatsop Community College programs. Congratulations to Teena Toyas!

See photo attached picturing from L to R:
Jane McGeehan, Scholarship Foundation Chair
Teena Toyas, Breaking Barriers Honoree
Cindy Gould, Seaside AAUW President