24-25 Branch Officers
President: Laura Gordon, dr_gordon@mac.com
Programs VP: Sally Meek, smeek63@gmail.com
Membership VP: Jeanette Felix, j.felix@me.com
Secretary: Sivai Bennett, sivaibennett@msn.com
Treasurer: Carla Moha, cmoha@clatsopcc.edu
Public Policy:
Scholarship: Maureen Casterline, maureensspotteddog@gmail.com
Historian: Lori Trolson, bambiloriann@gmail.com
Sunshine: Gheri Fouts, gjf35@hotmail.com
Coastlines Editor: Laura Gordon, dr_gordon@mac.com
Seaside AAUW Branch was established in 1942 breaking off from the Astoria Branch because of gas rationing during WWII. We have grown from that beginning to a group of about 40 women who meet monthly, generally on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:00 at the Bob Chisholm Community Center.
The group’s purpose is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. As such a number of activities supporting girls and women have been developed including working with the local schools to help meet their needs, establishing a healthy foundation supporting scholarships for women returning to school and first-generation college students. We are involved and support the local community in providing community forums to examine local issues as well as candidates.
Members of AAUW are required, as of this time, to have an associate degree from a college or university. Seaside Branch would like to see full membership extended to all women agreeing with our mission. At present, we have a number of community supporters who support our cause, serve in various non-elected positions, and serve on our Scholarship Foundation Board. We welcome everyone.
Interest groups have been formed over the years to meet some of the social needs of the group. They include the following with their listed leaders.
Book Group Laura Gordon Movie Group Gheri Fouts
Walking Group Diana McLoughlin Lunch Bunch Judy Carder